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We : The Robots of the Past World
Since I was little, I always thought about how everything was created. Of course, I know how life was brought into the Earth. The formation of single cell organism inside oceans and how these things evolved into current livings including us.
Seems like everything was created by the Nature’s Way. People always says like “Nature did itself.” I always doubt about that. Let’s take a look at the butterfly.

The color combination, patterns and the gradient on the body, everything was nicely designed. It’s an art, Nature cannot create such kind of things.
Not only from the design perspective, but also from functional purposes like how their wings were shaped to support aerodynamic and float on air, the addiction of nectar helps pollination of flowers, etc. Each part has a special reason behind.

Do u believe Nature be like “Yeah! I love flowers. Craps, these things are dying day by day, how to grow more? F**k it, I will create a thing called butterfly. I will give it long & thin legs to carry pollens from flower to flower. I will make it shiny and colorful to blend near flowers & hide from enemies. I will paint it orange & mix with some black. Umm, wait… one color is boring, let’s create many of them in multiple designs, bla bla bla….” Seems legit ?
The Earth is created both beautifully and logically by some unknown things from the past, not in a religious way like God waves his hands to summon everything, but in a engineering way like we used to.
For example, looks how it control the populations — insect eats plants, rat eats insects, snake eats rats, hawk eats snakes and then when the hawk dies, plants eats them.
Also the internal structure of all animals — the brain, the heart & the bones, how these things support & work together. Everything has a special purpose of existence. Just take a look around you, everything has a reason behind.
It seems like the Earth is created by a group of best architects & engineers from one of the planet that already reach a peak in science. Maybe their own planet or galaxy or solar system is nearly dead. So they design the next generation species that inherit the traits of theirs — similar to AI Robots of our World.
Then choose the best planet with same environmental factors with theirs & transmit the creations in a special format somehow. Then, after spending xxx of years travelling, a big changes happens on Earth known as cell evolution.

What if in one day, the Milkey Way Galaxy only have a couple of years to survive, so before the destruction happens, we send AI robots to a planet in a special format, tweak the environment & establish a life there. Plus erase all memories from the robots so that they forget they were created by the past world.

Another possible theory is that we are all living in virtual world like Ready Player One, Avatars & Surrogates movies. Before entering the game, we’ve to choose some options for our character such as creature type (human, lion, whale, etc.), the location (maybe a country from Earth) with some personalities & traits.
Every time the character die, we choose another one & start again. Elon Musk already said we’re probably living in a simulation.
Final Thoughts
Whatever we were transmitted from a dying galaxy or living in simulation, one thing for sure is I believe we were created by some guys that live inside or outside of the Universe. Again not by a God that wave his hands like tai chi.